Xtreme Sports Performance Services Provided:branding, graphic design, website design,digital media, social media management Xtreme Sports Performance is a new training facility breaking into a crowded competition landscape. We’ve used multiple impressions to...
Together Indiana Services Provided:Branding & Logo Design, Website Design, Outdoor Advertising, Marketing Collateral & Social Media Graphics Together Indiana is an awareness campaign highlighting the benefits of wearing a mask in the community as the IUP...
Triad Strategies Services Provided:branding, graphic design, website designadvertising Triad Strategies is a bipartisan public affairs firm headquartered in Harrisburg, PA, with offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. I am proud to partner with Triad on their client...
PA 529 College Savings Program The work completed for the PA 529 College Savings Program included a branding campaign, website design, enrollment materials, posters, direct mail, coupons, advertising, digital media, and email marketing. The marketing efforts improved...
Turn Down. Seal Off. Save Up. Services Provided:branding, graphic design, digital mediaadvertising, presentations Turn Down. Seal Off. Save Up. The campaign was used to educate homeowners eligible for the LiHEAP program on ways to save money during winter. Outreach...
PA Banking Department Services Provided:logo and branding campaign, website design, enrollment materials, bilingual posters, digital media, and email marketing. The work completed for the Pennsylvania Department of Banking included a new logo and branding campaign,...